Monday, April 27, 2015

Weekend Recap: One DayQuil at a Time

Poor Sean has been having the worst allergy issues the past couple of weeks. He's been popping Allegra left and right, which hasn't been working, and we chalked it up to the fact that he's been spending so much time in the yard. I knew this was wrong when Friday afternoon rolled around and suddenly I could feel a scratchy throat and burning sinuses. It was like giant neon signs lit up saying "NOT ALLERGIES". Yeah, mine don't hit until mid summer and this particularly aggressive bout Sean's been fighting it definitely a miserable cold instead. Go away cold, it's April, get out of here.

We had no particular plans this weekend which meant Sean was able to plant some more trees out in the yard. So many trees, people. He's like the Lorax. I had a chance to go on the World's Least Successful shopping trip with my mom. I have been looking for a dress. Nothing too fancy but still nice, and apparently I am a special snowflake who doesn't fit into anything. Too big? Check. Too small? Check. Just right? No. Never. We spent a couple of hours shopping and I tried on about twelve different things and I came home with a shirt. A nice shirt but not a dress. Side note: wondering how much support there would be for bringing back togas and/or kilts?

The kids were a little sad because the beautiful spring warmth has been replaced by this awful, dreary and chilly weather. Aiden spent nearly the whole weekend outside but the other two were stuck inside with me. We did manage to go for a walk each day, and Aiden has finally mastered his big bike. He has known how to ride a bike for a couple of years but we moved him onto a bigger model (because the little one fits Rory, so yeah, good sign he needed something new) and he was convinced he'd have to learn to ride it all over again. We spent weeks trying to get him to try it out and he refused (it didn't help that his classmate had a pretty horrible, and totally freak, bike accident). He finally gave it a try this weekend and voila, loves it. Decided it's much more comfortable. It was nice to see him zooming up and down the street again. 

It looks like it may actually be warm again by Wednesday so he may get to keep riding it. Now if we can just get Rory on the other one!

Zoolander and Hansel

Get off the table Audrey!

Such a charming face

Great, now she's making it too

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