I chose the "Beauty Solutions" box because I'm all about problem solving even when your problems are, admittedly, just first world ones. Here's what was inside:
CoTZ Flawless Complexion SPF 50

I loved this, hands down. It's a slightly tinted sunscreeen that's not too oily or greasy. I liked that it didn't turn my pale face orange, which many do, and it didn't sting or slide off throughout the day. I like it enough to wear it alone, or you can put it under foundation as a moisturizer and it will add little extra coverage. I'm a huge fan of it being SPF 50 since I turn all sorts of freckly and blotchy after too much sun. It's $20 which is really reasonable for a sunscreen this nice.
Juara Candlenut Body Creme

This body cream (or creme if we're feeling the need to parlez Francais) is nice. It's very rich and has an inoffensive smell. The sample size was miniscule so it only covered my arms (no, I don't have giant arms, it really was that small) but I'm not quite sure it's worth $35. I think you could find a drugstore brand that performs the same.
Marcelle Hydra-C 24H Energizing Hydrating Gel

The name of this product is entirely too long. So many words. That being said, I really like this gel. I used it as more of a serum and put it on under my regular moisturizer, but it would be sufficient if you have oily skin. I have read that vitamin C is supposed to be magical, anti-aging, brightening and create a mystical barrier from UV rays....or something like that. I just liked the feel of it. It had a cooling sensation when you put it on and smelled like cucumbers. It's $24 which is approaching my threshold of "too expensive" but it might be worth it if you like a lighter moisturizer or spend a lot of time in the sun.
Number 4 Blow Dry Lotion

This is supposed to help your hair dry faster and keep it from getting frizzy when you blow dry. I only tried it once but it seemed to work as promised and my hair dried pretty quickly. It's $32 which is quite pricey for me since I blow dry my hair about four times a year.
W3LL PEOPLE The Expressionist Mascara

Let's ignore the fact that they used a 3 in their name instead of a letter and give them the benefit of the doubt. I did not have high hopes for this mascara as I had tried A LOT of mascaras and am really picky. It was described as "all natural" which I realize doesn't mean much but I was thinking it might be made out of clay and charcoal or some nonsense. I tried it and was blown away. This mascara is amazing and gives you thick black lashes without clumps. I love it. Of course it's $23.50 because good things are rarely cheap and now I have to decided if I like my money or my eyelashes better.
*all photos are from the Birchbox website*
Overall, I think this box was a hit. I appreciated that it was products I'd actually use in the summer and not heavy perfume and glittery eyeshadow. Seriously, sunscreen and mascara are all almost all I wear and they sent me two amazing ones. Nice job guys.
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