The warm weather is back, and feeling slightly reminiscent of Charleston with this ridiculous humidity. The kids beg to go out and play and then rush back in before five minutes has passed because it's so gross outside. We've been spending a lot of time in the library instead, and I'm sure the librarian is just thrilled we're there so much. Anyway, here are some things we've been watching and reading this week:
The Elements by Theodore Gray. A fellow mom recommended this to me because her son also eats, sleeps and breathes science and it did not disappoint. This book covers the known elements, breaks down how the periodic table works, and has photographs of almost every element which is AMAZING. The text is very witty and not at all dry, so Aiden loves it and even I find it to be really interesting.
Bill Nye is on Netflix!!!! Yes, that deserved four exclamation points. We let Aiden watch it this weekend and, to no one's surprise, he loooved it. A match made in heaven. Or a science lab. Last night he informed me that the earth doesn't move in a circle but in an ellipse, and travels faster as it moves past the sun. On Monday Rory started shoving the table at breakfast and Aiden said "That feels like the tectonic plates rubbing against each other!" Thank you Bill Nye. Science rules.
Sean and I watched the entire series of Grace and Frankie on Netflix. After watching the pilot I wasn't really interested but we watched the second episode and it was much better. It's about two women who learn that their husbands, who are business partners, have fallen in love and are leaving their forty year marriages for each other. It has an amazing cast: Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Martin Sheen and Sam Waterstone. It's a surprisingly funny and very honest look at how these two women navigate being single in their seventies and how the two men handle coming out as gay men. Heavy subject matter done brilliantly.
I've been listening to a lot of classical music this week. I tend to have it on in the background when I'm driving or making dinner since it's the only music that Rory likes. After months of listening to it on and off I still know very little about it or the composers but I'm feeling like I need to read about it now.
Here's a lovely oboe concerto for you:
Look at that sassy oboe playing. Reminds me of Ron Burgundy and his jazz flute. Go get it Oboe Man.
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