Sean is off of day shift and back to the rotating shift grind this week. We tried to keep this past weekend, his last before starting the crazy schedule, as clear as possible.
Friday we ran a bunch of errands and I went to help out at the school ice cream social. I made the mistake of volunteering to set up and then pointing out that they didn't have anyone to work the first shift. I wanted to set up so that I could help Sean with the kids during the event, but of course when I pointed out their scheduling issue they thanked me profusely for offering to work. Whoops. Rookie mistake. After the set up we ate dinner and then headed back to the school for the actual event. The kids had so much fun. Aiden ran off with his friends on the playground and Sean took the two little ones to play in the sports field where they inserted themselves into the middle of some big kids game and ran around in circles yelling. When I finished working I came out to find everyone running around like mad and poor Sean trying to keep an eye on everyone. It was a fantastic night and the kids were all so tired they slept in until 9:30 on Saturday which was heavenly.
Saturday was hot and muggy and we took everyone to the lock to watch the boats. Aiden grabbed Rory's hand and they tromped off through the grass to watch the action while Audrey yelled at us because we wouldn't let her try and board some unsuspecting traveler's boat. She's like a baby pirate. We left to get the kids lunch (and because it was brutally humid) and Aiden spent the afternoon with my mom. Sean and I planned to get some yard work done and right on cue the sky opened up and it down poured on and off all afternoon. Nice.
Sunday kicked off some crazy weather and we woke up to temperatures in the 50's. The Northeast is crazy. That's all I can say about that. We grabbed coffee and ran some errands while Aiden went to church with my mom. I took him out to buy a toy that afternoon (we have finally succumbed to giving Aiden an allowance in hopes of encouraging him to complete homework/piano practice/Spanish without quite as much whining. We'll see how this goes.) We also headed to the Gap because....I have no excuses, but I do have a new sweater.
So far, this return to shift work hasn't been too bad (note: it's only Tuesday and I'm not actually the one working the shifts so take that with a giant grain of salt). It helps that he's coming back to it as a shift supervisor instead of a peon, and his first night shift won't be until Aiden's done with school so it's a pretty gentle transition. I'm sure I'll be back to loathing it come September, but for now I'll look on the bright side.
He made everyone lunch. PBJ's all around. |
A loving, gentle headlock |
Cool dude. |
Taken right before all the other peonies were destroyed by rain. Sigh. |
Cutie in the closet. Putting the toy vaccum away with the real one. But of course. |
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