But here it is, Saturday, and we've spent the past three days chasing Aiden around on the playground. Yesterday we came home and I told Sean that my hands and the tops of my feet (I'd been wearing sandals! As in, bare toes! It really is that warm!) were sort of pink and tender. He mentioned that the tip of his nose felt and looked the same way. We realized we both gotten a little sunburned, which was surprising and kind of enjoyable since it meant we'd spent a decent amount of time in the sun.
We've also been coming home feeling so so so worn out, which is another magical side effect of fresh air and sunshine. Aiden has very willingly climbed into bed for naps, and Sean and I sit outside relaxing, totally forgetting all of those urgent tasks we're supposed to be tackling. I did manage to write a couple of big papers earlier this week. I also, along with the help of my wonderful friend Ashley, finished painting two bedrooms. (I would've put before and after pictures up, but we haven't really put any of the furniture back since we have to move it down to S.C. anyway, so they're in disarray but with lovely paint colors).
Tomorrow is Easter, which is exciting because the pastor who married us is coming back to church after a sabbatical, and because we'll be having Easter dinner with my mom and family. Mostly though, it's because I plan on decorating eggs and putting together Aiden's first Easter basket. My friends were asking if I planned on hiding it, which is what the bunny always did at my house when I was younger, but I think we'll leave it in plain sight this year.
In other big news, Aiden got his spring haircut on Thursday night. He was very patient while both mommy and daddy took turns buzzing and clipping and evening it out. It ended up being shorter than we wanted, which was sort of inevitable because every time he wriggled we'd have to even it out again, but it's still so cute. It took him awhile to be able to look in the mirror and smile rather than hide shyly in Sean's shirt, but he seems to enjoy not having hair in his eyes and I enjoy him NOT looking like he has a 70's perm every time he gets sweaty.

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