Saturday, February 27, 2010
Date Night! (Sort of)
So, we thought winter was over, and it isn't, but it's getting a little ridiculous. It has snowed everyday since Tuesday, with considerable accumulation. We've either had wet flakes or we've had freezing rain, and it's just been all around yucky weather. I think Mother Nature was trying to make up for our lack of usual winter precipitation all in one week.
Either way, the constant gloom and snow, combined with my usual late-winter cabin fever, was making me go slightly crazy. I've been suggesting things like going to the museum, or the planetarium or just about anywhere, but Sean has been pretty content to stay inside and avoid the nasty weather.
It hasn't helped that Aiden is becoming VERY rambunctious. He's been so sweet, but he just has bundles of energy and no outlet for it. He's been somersaulting across his bed, jumping from couch cushion to couch cushion and crashing his bike into anything he can find. I made the mistake of saying "I bet you'd like to go to the park", and Aiden looked into my eyes with such hope and said "Park? Um, yes? Me? ".
Together Aiden's energy and my mopey attitude must've gotten to Sean because he finally asked if going out to dinner might help. I agreed that yes, setting foot outside with a destination other than school or the grocery store would help. We're probably just going to go to Panera and then look around the book store, but knowing we're doing something a little out of the ordinary is wonderful. Sean and I used to spend hours wandering around the bookstore together, and even though we get yanked over to the Thomas train table in the kids section now, it's still nice just being out with no particular agenda.
Also, next winter Aiden will DEFINITELY be in Tumbling Tykes.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Can't Hold Her Licker
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Just In Case You Thought Winter Was Over
Then I got home from school and checked the weather. It was the most honest weather report I'd ever read: it said there were so many different weather patterns converging all at once that they had no idea what was going on for the next few days, but it would involve snow. Or rain. Or sleet.
So here are some pictures of whats actually happening, and yes, it involves a lot of snow.

Monday, February 15, 2010
Snowy Monday
The temperatures outside have hovered in the twenties with icy winds and a small storm expected tomorrow, but our house has been so warm and cozy that just staying inside with each other has felt like a wonderful vacation. Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year and Mardi Gras are all small holidays if not totally unnoticed in our house, but the way they're all clustered around these few days I have off, combined with the fact that T.V. coverage of war and crime has been replaced with sportsmanship, have added just a little extra happiness to our lives this week.

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Together Time
Mostly, it's been wonderful. I come home to a freshly vacuumed home, a load of laundry in the washer, and Aiden fed and happy. I did get a little vindication one night when we were going to bed though. Sean finally turned to me and said "so...after his nap and before dinner, during those three or so hours...what are you supposed to do with him??? We've played with everything in the house and I just don't know what to do!!!". Other than that, they seem to love having three days of alone time together.
I was starting to really miss getting that time with Aiden, but Sean has started working a few hours a day with the Census, until he starts his actual job, which gives me and Aidy a little bit of time together too, and the whole family seems to have found the perfect balance of work and play, together and alone.
Today was our first big chunk of time together alone in quite some time. It was wonderful.

Friday, February 5, 2010
English Exercise: Oh Boy
"Everyday, I spend the majority of my waking hours trying to see my child. Seeing your own child is like trying to see just one petal on a rose, you simply can’t ignore the whole flower. I can’t look into his face without seeing an eon’s worth of generations there. He has my nose, a steep slant tweaked at the very tip, covered in pale freckles like confetti. He has his father’s mouth, as shapely as an archer’s bow and pink like the inner flesh of strawberries. He has a head of renegade curls from his grandfather. He has his great grandmother’s eyes. In him he has genes and hopes that have been passed from England and Ireland and Bulgaria to South Carolina, to Iowa, to New York.
. I am constantly calling out, chasing, searching for his little body around the corners of our house. I’ll see a leg protruding from under the table, his body splayed out, cherubic face peering at me from between scuffed wooden chair legs. I’ll see molasses brown eyes crinkling in delight as he shares secrets with his long loved Dog, it’s fur patchy and it’s neck gone limp from living in the crook of his elbow. To me, the best time for seeing him is late at night, even though he’s asleep and his room is too dim to make out much more than a dark head of soft brown hair. The darkness is a heavy blanket over him, calming the frenetic energy of the day and rendering his features, so often shaped into expressions of wonder, as serene as the night itself. That is when I see, in the very peacefulness of his sleep, the costume of mischievous little boy is discarded. Instead, I see the goodness and innocence that the world believes has long gone missing.
Oh yes, everyday is an exercise in seeing. It’s harder than you can imagine, even if in this moment I can see his rounded baby cheeks as sweet and white as meringue, or his tiny dimpled hands that are an exact miniature of mine, because tomorrow they will be different. They will be a little older, a little more unique, and little more separate from me. So I try my hardest to see what I can while it’s in front of me. I do my best to remember and to hold on to what is in the here and now. I know, like a hearty gust of wind that scatters a dandelion’s gossamer topped seeds, tomorrow will come and scatter this away."
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tuesday Fun
Usually we've got a few errands and chores, but yesterday we didn't have a darn thing we had to do (other than all that homework during naptime) so we spent the day reading books to Aiden, doing puzzles and just enjoying each others company. Aiden is going through a little developmental growth spurt, and he's picking up all kinds of new sentences in addition to eagerly naming shapes and colors.
Still, sometimes he's just our silly little guy: