On Friday the weather was on and off rainy, but the temperature was somewhere around 54 degrees. When the rain finally stopped we all went for a walk and even took Bo, who usually only gets to explore the backyard. Sean and I took Aiden to storytime in the morning and then we spent the day relaxing. Aiden and I also decided to make a loaf of banana bread. We mixed up the batter and put the pan in the oven. As soon as I shut the oven door Aiden looked at me and said "Okay, press 'play'!".

Saturday and Sunday were spent visiting friends and family and ensuring we also spent adequate time just lolling around in our pajamas. I've found that the more time spent in pajamas = the better you feel when the weekend is over.
Today I've been busy working on some homemade chicken soup while Aiden and Sean work on an enormous lego project together. The two of them have had there heads together over the coffee table and a huge pile of Lego pieces for the better part of the morning. They took one break so that Aiden could have a peanut butter sandwich and Sean could check the stock market. This is Sean's favorite thing to do when he's home on a week day. Aiden climbs into his lap and they read reports and watch the Ameritrade command center. One day I couldn't find Aiden anywhere and I finally caught him sitting in the computer chair in the office, pushing the mouse around. I asked him what he was doing and he said "Checking the market".

So, to recap: our weekend = friends, family, chicken soup, pajamas and Legos. Lots of Legos.

Aiden probably knows more about the market than I do.
Have you guys considered Geocaching? I know Aiden and Bo would love it!
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