If we weren't tired enough, we came home and Sean proceeded to start resealing the deck. Friday he carefully sanded the ENTIRE deck (it's pretty big) and it took both Saturday and Sunday, working late into the night both days, to finish the entire thing. It was an amazing feat involving a lot of power tools and varnish and manly things like that. I was impressed and quite happy to have married such a hardworking guy.
Before: weather-worn and gray

After: GORGEOUS, you're all invited for a BBQ

So in addition to park hopping and walk-taking, we made several trips to Lowes, where I also picked up a new edger for next week's project: painting the two unfinished bedrooms! I can barely contain my excitement.
After all of this, I still finished my schoolwork and did two loads of laundry, although the gigantic ham Sean bought did not get cooked and will have to be saved for Tuesday.
Now I would just like to fall into bed and sleep for about a hundred years.

After all of this, I still finished my schoolwork and did two loads of laundry, although the gigantic ham Sean bought did not get cooked and will have to be saved for Tuesday.
Now I would just like to fall into bed and sleep for about a hundred years.

First walk that adorable baby, and his green car to my house ASAP. I need a skype fix!
Second, the deck looks AMAZING!
Miss you an insane amount!
Good job Seany. BBQ is a must. And can I fall into bed too? (not meant in any dirty or awkward sense, you just have a super comfy bed!!!)
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