Back To School
School started this week for June and Aiden. Our little baby has graduated to the toddler room. No more cribs, nap time's now on cots. Sitting at the lunch table with the other chatty kids. Taking recess. It's hard to believe he was ever a baby.
For June this is the home stretch, which means commuting, and long days of back to back classes. She also gets to be the bad guy who drops Aiden off at daycare, while I, who am done with work mid-afternoon, gets to be the savior who picks him up. But no matter how mad he is in the morning, his face still lights up at the sight of her arriving home.
I think they both deserve a pat on the back and a job well done for growing up, sticking together, and achieving their goals (even Aiden doesn't completely understand them) Aiden for instance, will I'm sure, being saying "Laura" so much I'll get sick of hearing it... any day now.
Thanks for allowing the invasion.