However, he still had to work straight through Memorial Day weekend which made me feel kind of bad. Every morning Sean would put on his work clothes while Aiden and I put on bathing suits and sun screen. We had so much fun and spent as much time as possible at the pool or the park but we definitely missed Sean.

His day off was yesterday and we spent it getting some errands run, visiting his dad and taking Aiden to see Kung Fu Panda 2. Aiden's first trip to the movie theater was last summer when we saw Toy Story 3, and it was such a huge deal. This time? Not so much. The movie was fantastic but he's so much older now that he sat by himself with the gigantic 3D glasses perched on his nose and kept waving us away every time we tried to hold his hand. He will not be caught holding his mom's hand at the movies, thank you very much.

Today we took Aiden over to the Crossings, which is an amazing park in the next town over. It's got tons of walking trails, a gorgeous picnic area and a brand new playground complete with that cool bouncy rubber surface under all the play equipment (unlike the lovely gravel playgrounds we grew up with). Aiden tends to be a little shy around other kids and hang back when there's a lot of activity. Today however he took off like a rocket and Sean and I kept having to remind him to stay within our line of sight. He was all over the place with the other kids (and there were a TON of kids). Sean and I couldn't help but get a little giddy over the fact that he finally seems to be coming out of his shell.
We hesitated over sending him to preschool this past year because he was very, very shy. We decided to wait until this fall and we're so glad we did. He is absolutely ready for that kind of setting now and rather than focusing on getting over his shyness he's actually ready to focus on making friends.
On a separate note: I picked out the preschool this past winter and Sean gave it a quick review and agreed that it sounded good. After we registered Aiden, Sean suddenly decided he wasn't certain this was the perfect place despite me assuring him that lots of other parents recommended it and that Aiden would be going to kindergarten with these same children. Today he called them to arrange a visit for Aiden, and in classic Sean fashion, he realized that three of the five teachers were mothers of his highschool friends. This just cemented my belief that Sean knows everyone in town. Everyone.

The glasses slay me.
The box on his head slays me
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