So what all has happened since we last left off? Harry Potter came out. This was pretty monumental in our house. We read the books to Aiden and he has seen several of the movies (minus the scary endings) and he has spent the past couple of weeks talking about them. He likes the flying Ford Anglia, the Hogwarts Express, the scary dementors and the fact that chocolate is the medicine of choice in these stories.
Also, my garden has produced a serious bounty of snap peas and squash (not a single carrot grew. I have no idea what happened there. A true agricultural mystery). I, however, have failed miserably at actually harvesting the vegetables. I bring in the squash when I find it but it likes to hide in the foliage of the plants. The snap peas produced enough to feed our entire block and I was too overwhelmed to try and pick them all. Instead, Aiden likes to stand outside and eat the raw peas which is totally fine by me.
Sean's work has been typically overwhelming with him frequently working straight through weekends. This weekend will be the first time in months that he's been able to take his full four day break without having to go into work. We're taking advantage by fleeing the country. Seriously. The original plan was to head up to Niagara Falls and then to Toronto but we've instead settled on the much more manageable location of Montreal. We love the city and I love listening to Sean bumble through his lunch order in broken French despite the fact that we both spent six years studying the language. It's incredibly cute.
When we get back we're going to try and take Aiden to the horse races and I also have a hot date with the hairdresser on Monday. This should be the most relaxing weekend we've had since February. Hopefully I remember the camera!
1 comment :
We're going to Montreal for our honeymoon! It will be my first trip to Canada!
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